Home Remedies for Acne – Tea Tree Oil

If your skin is prone to breakouts, you may be looking for some home remedies for acne that can help naturally treat your breakouts. There are so many products on the market, and it can really be a challenge to find one that will not damage or dry out your skin. Home remedies for acne are the best way to ensure that you treat your skin well and fight the bacteria that causes this skin condition. Tea tree oil is commonly used to treat a variety of conditions from cold sores to acne, and it has been proven to be one of the most effective home remedies for acne.

Tea tree oil kills the bacteria that cause acne, and it will leave your skin feeling rejuvenated in just a few days. If other types of treatments have not worked for you, then home remedies for acne can be an excellent way to experiment to see if any of the other methods, like the use of tea tree oil, will lessen redness and remove pimples from your face.

Acne sufferers may have sensitivity to tea tree oil, so it is important to test a very mild solution on your skin to see how your body reacts to the oil. If you experience any skin irritation, then it is best to dilute your tea tree oil with some other substance like Aloe Vera or seek another treatment option.

Home remedies for acne like tea tree oil will typically only help reduce acne if used consistently and regularly over a period of time. Many people have experienced improvements in their skin in only a week of using tea tree oil or other home remedies for acne on a daily basis, but to stop breakouts, you must use it for a month or more. Of all of the home remedies for acne, tea tree oil is one of the best options; however, everyone is different. If tea tree oil does not work for you, you can try a number of other home remedies for acne to avoid harsh chemicals and solutions.

Home Remedies for Acne – Witch Hazel

Home remedies for acne can help acne sufferers stop breakouts and promote healthier, more radiant skin. Natural home remedies for acne can be beneficial for those with sensitive skin or that prefer to use products that are not made artificially with harsh chemicals. Witch hazel (procured from the witch hazel shrub) has proven to be very successful at treating several skin conditions, including acne. Even those with sensitive skin prone to irritation are likely to be able to use witch hazel to treat acne.

Home remedies for acne offer sufferers many helpful solutions, and witch hazel is one of the many options to consider when treating a mild or severe case of acne (and all of the cases in between). Witch hazel is effective in preventing and treating inflammation of the skin. It also disinfects the skin and prevents acne from forming. Since witch hazel can disinfect the skin, it is often used to cleanse and remove impurities. Witch hazel is one of the best home remedies for acne, and it will also reduce any swelling that has been caused from the inflammation associated with acne.

In addition, witch hazel will also reduce the irritation on the surface of your skin to help give you a fresher look. This product is typically purchased in a bottle, and it can be applied directly to your skin with a cotton pad. It is best to apply any of the home remedies for acne that you find effective at least daily. Since witch hazel is so mild, it can be applied safely twice a day. Witch hazel, in contrast to other home remedies for acne, cannot be taken orally, but you can create a facial mask to apply it to your face. Everyone’s skin will have a different reaction to any type of treatment; so if witch hazel does not seem to be working, simply try one of the other home remedies for acne.

Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies can be so frustrating because you know they are coming and you will feel so helpless to stop them. Some people only have to deal with the allergies during one particular season. Spring and summer bring along allergies to pollens, ragweed and other types of flowering plants. Fall can bring about allergies to mold, mildew and other types of spores. For those people who are allergic to all sorts of things, seasonal allergies could equal allergies all year long. No matter when they may cause you problems, you will want to find home remedies for allergies.

You do not just have to suffer through those allergic days. Instead, you can find relief and you can find home remedies for allergies. Before you make the decision to buy some type of allergy medication, consider trying these home remedies. You will be surprised at just how well they can work.


There have been numerous studies that have shown the healing power of garlic for all types of maladies. In fact, garlic is so powerful that it can help to cut the risk of heart attack and lower cholesterol. When it comes to home remedies for allergies, garlic can be quite useful as well. Because it has antimicrobial power, it can help to fight against respiratory and sinus symptoms from allergies. You do not have to walk around with garlic breath though. Instead, you can take a garlic supplement that has been coated so that you will not have to deal with the bad taste or bad breath. If you take this supplement daily, it can help a great deal with your seasonal allergies.


When you want to consider home remedies for allergies, you will definitely want to look the way of nettle. This herb has been used for hundreds of years as a remedy, and you will find that it can be quite helpful to fight your allergies. The herb actually has natural antihistamines, and they can relieve all types of seasonal allergy symptoms.


You most likely have heard some of the news about Echinacea because it has been gaining popularity for its healing power. For more than five decades, studies have been conducted to see if Echinacea actually works, and all of the remedies show that it does. The herb will help your body produce more t-cells, which will help to fight against the effects of allergies. When you are looking for the Echinacea supplement, you may find that it is also called the purple coneflower. These two are interchangeable names.


One of the effects of seasonal allergies will be on the sinuses. When the sinuses become inflamed, they will produce more mucus, and you will end up with painful congestion. You can relieve a great deal of this with a saline nasal mist. Not only will this mist help to clear out the congestion, but it will also help to wash away any of the allergens that you may have inhaled. When you are choosing a saline mist and you want to stick with home remedies for allergies, make sure you choose a mist that contains all natural saline and not any type of manmade medications.

Fruits and Vegetables

Did you know that certain fruits and vegetables can be great home remedies for allergies? Many types of these foods will have antioxidant power that will help to build your body’s immune system. In addition, these fruits and vegetables will have anti-inflammatory power, which can help to fight the inflammation to the nose eyes and throat.

Just what fruits and vegetables will help you? Here are a few that you should definitely add to your diet: onions, apples, bananas and grape seed extract.


This is an herbal supplement that has been the subject of many studies. These studies have shown that Quercetin has the ability to clear sinus congestion and can also reduce the pain that comes along with swollen sinuses. This herb is available as a supplement that you can purchase at vitamin and health stores and is powerful in the choices for home remedies for allergies.

Seasonal allergies certainly can be a pain. They come along with such symptoms as sore throats, itchy eyes, sneezing, congestion, sinus pain and itchy skin. You can relieve those seasonal allergies quite easily though. That does not mean you should turn to a medication, which can have negative effects on your body. Instead, you should choose these home remedies for allergies, which can be extremely effective and helpful no matter what kind of seasonal allergies you may be suffering from.